LHC run 2 is coming ever closer. Seven of the machine’s eight sectors have successfully been commissioned to the 2015 operating energy of 6.5 TeV per beam, and the eighth is not far behind. There will, however, be no circulating beam in the LHC…
Read moreThe ATLAS teams are wrapping things up and prepare for Run 2, as Long Shutdown 1 is coming to an end. The collaboration has made major upgrades to increase the efficiency, safety, and environmental impact of the detector; 2014 was a really busy year…
Read moreThe upgrade of the ATLAS detector calls for a new generation of muon detectors capable of operating in a flux of collision and background particles approximately ten times larger compared to today's conditions. The new technology of micromegas…
Read moreTen months passed from the beginning of this very hectic Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) and ATLAS went already through so many changes and operations, that it becomes hard to list all of them. LS1 reminds me of the construction time when many people were…
Read moreGreetings, my name is Nathaniel Chandra Harjanto, a summer student of CERN Summer Studentship Programme 2013 from Indonesia, a country in South East Asia. I am part of Indonesian student group consisted of 3 persons which become the first Indonesian…
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