CERN Accelerating science


A Moriond Retrospective: New Results from the LHC Experiments

Every March, particle physicists around the world take two weeks to promote results, share opinions and do a bit of skiing in-between. This is the Moriond tradition and the 52nd iteration of the conference took place this year in La Thuile, Italy.…

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New measurement of the W boson mass by the ATLAS collaboration

The W electroweak gauge boson was discovered in 1983 at the CERN SPS collider. Although the properties of the W boson have been studied for more than 30 years, precise measurement of its mass remains a major challenge.  Figure: The ATLAS…

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ATLAS and ALICE PhD Awards

Two of the LHC experiments, ATLAS and ALICE, recently announced winners of the “ATLAS PhD Grant” and “ALICE Thesis Award” schemes. The prizes aim to foster healthy competition between young members of the two collaborators and acknowledge the hard…

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Chronicles of the ATLAS data taking in 2015

2015 has been extraordinary: after 2 years of shutdown (LS-1) the LHC and its experiments have come back into operation for a new exciting running period (Run-2) to push the research about the infinitely small structure of matter, related…

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Results from ATLAS & CMS shed light on ‪Higgs‬ properties

Three years after the announcement of the discovery of a new particle, the Higgs boson, the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations have recently presented for the first time combined measurements of many of its properties, at the third annual Large Hadron…

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ATLAS results from lead-lead and proton-lead collision

The ATLAS results from PbPb data included a measurement of high-pΤ photons and W mesons, high-precision measurement of jet and charged particle RΑΑ, studies of jet fragmentation, path length dependence of jet quenching, neighbouring jet…

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LHC experiments back in business at record energy

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) started delivering physics data on 3rd of June for the first time in 27 months. After an almost two year shutdown and several months re-commissioning, the LHC is now providing collisions to all of its…

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LS1 Upgrade of the ATLAS Level-1 Central Trigger Processor

Triggering at the LHC is a challenge: during Run-1 in ATLAS, the task was to select out of the 40 million bunch crossings per second the 1000 events most promising for data analysis. The first of three levels of this selection is the Level-1 trigger…

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LHC sees first circulating beams

Long Shutdown 1 officially came to an end on 5 April 2015, when a beam of protons circulated the LHC for the first time after two years. Following this long period of upgrades, repairs, and consolidation, the LHC is now ready to restart at 13 TeV,…

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Focus on the Run Coordinators of the LHC Experiments (Part 2)

Following two years of maintenance and consolidation work, the Long Shutdown 1 officially ended on 5 April 2015, when the first proton beams circulated the LHC. Now the LHC experiments are getting ready to operate once more and record the first…

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