The mirror system is an important part of the NA62 RICH detector* covering the full acceptance range of 7m2 surface. It is composed of 18 hexagonal (Ø≈70cm, thickness 2.5cm) and 2 semi-hexagonal mirrors which are sustained by a lightweight support…
Read moreThe PH/DT group has published its Annual Report where key activities throughout 2013 are described as well as a wider description of how the group is organized and interacts with the experimental community. The PH Detector Technology (DT) group is…
Read moreThe design of the NA62 straw tracker is driven by the requirement of low multiple scattering and high efficiency over the full acceptance. An ultra-light straw tracker operated in vacuum was chosen for this purpose. Extensive R&D was performed…
Read moreThe RD50 collaboration “Radiation hard semiconductor devices for high luminosity colliders” is working on the development of radiation tolerant silicon sensors for the detectors of the HL-LHC (High Luminosity-LHC) experiments. An introduction to the…
Read moreThe idea to apply concepts, devices and software that were developed in the context of HEP experiments to medical imaging is rather natural and inspiring. The similarities become more evident when it comes to the detection of high energetic gamma…
Read moreAdvances in photo-lithography and micro processing techniques during the past decade triggered a major transition from wire chambers to micro-pattern gas amplification devices such as GEM and MicroMegas. Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors offer…
Read moreThe PH Detector Technology (DT) group is a central part of the CERN Physics Department. DT comprises about 75 staff members, ~30 fellows and students and a FSU team of 14 people. The group makes major contributions to the development, construction,…
Read moreCommon Research and Development consortia provide CERN and CERN member institutions with many benefits. For many detector developments significant R&D is needed in order to bring new detector concepts to a state where they are mature enough to…
Read moreIn 2001 the RD50 Collaboration “Radiation hard semiconductor devices for high luminosity colliders” was formed in view of the first luminosity upgrade scenarios for the LHC. It was obvious that the LHC tracking detectors would not survive the…
Read moreIrradiation is the process by which an object is exposed to radiation. Although this term is fairly generic, the performing of irradiation experiments has a very important meaning for the PH department. In fact, the PH department is deeply involved…
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