CERN recently launched the Stakeholder Relations Office, which will manage and sustain the Organization’s relationship with key audiences. Furthermore, it will take responsibility for the Organization’s reputation and ensure that CERN is “…
Read moreShortly after Dirac’s prediction, the first antiparticle was discovered in 1932. Since then, antimatter has been largely studied and produced in many experiments in order to help unrevealing the mysteries of the Universe. Antimatter has also reached…
Read moreEvery Thursday at 17:00 Geneva-time, physicists and other scientists from CERN present a YouTube show to talk to members of the public about their research. The medium used is the Google+ social network and its Hangouts On Air platform. A Hangout is…
Read moreThe SFT and the Education Group at CERN are joining forces and present a new iOS application for CERN. The application gives to the users real time information on the status of the LHC and live displays of LHC events from the four experiments: ALICE…
Read moreHave you ever imagined how it would be like to walk inside the Higgs field or to cause collisions by playing football with a proton-ball made of three quarks? The PH/EDU group designed an interactive tunnel of the LHC that offers visitors the unique…
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