As the recipient of a large fraction of the Latin American grants (79%), CERN provides resources to administer and manage the project. Administrative personnel from the various experiments and activities involved in the 8 work packages help the grantees to find their way at CERN. This includes their reception, their registration, the monthly payment of the grant, the collection of reports, etc. Notably, K. Ross, the secretary of the Head of the PH Department constitutes the point of reference for the administrative personnel and for the scientists coming to CERN, collecting and handling the various documents needed to write the reports and justifications required by the scheme IRSES. C. Hervet, K. Richardson, K. Aspola, A. Yaneva, N. Grub, M. Connor, G. Hobgen, K. Ross, U. Tihinen and T. Pardo, are handling the daily administration of the corresponding work packages.
CERN provides not only the administrative support for the work packages but also a few scientists from CERN, P. Giubellino, N. Ellis, K. Aspola, B. Schmidt, M. Pepe-Altarelli, U. Wiedermann, R. Corsini, M. Dosanjh and J. Harvey, are coordinating each of the 8 work packages where CERN is involved. The coordination of the work packages is fundamental to achieve the objectives that have been defined in each, in terms of tasks, deliverables and milestones.
In addition to the 108 man-months that CERN fulfills sending scientists to Latin America to teach and help our colleagues in the various activities related to the work packages; CERN also provides a few direct grants to scientists from institutions of Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. These countries, which were included in HELEN, could not be accommodated in EPLANET due to the missing Science & Technology agreement with the European Commission. However, scientists from these countries are active in various experiments at CERN. In particular, Colombia participates in ATLAS and CMS, Peru in ALICE and Venezuela in ATLAS. The grants given by CERN should follow the same rules as those established for EPLANET. On this way, the scientists from these countries could be considered as being part of the project.